Monitor’s Instructions
1. Meet with the competition chair and the judges for the morning orientation session.
2. Remain with the judges throughout the competition. This includes breaks. Do not permit entrants, teachers, or parents to visit with the judges before or during the competition.
3. Do not remain in the room during the balloting procedure.
4. During the competition sit near the judges and use a stopwatch for timing the competition. During the orientation session determine the signal to be used in notifying the judges of the time limit conclusion. Record the performance time on the competition program and give to the chair at the close of the competition.
5. Announce each entrant by saying, “entrant number __________.”
6. At the conclusion of each entrant’s performance, return the music to the performer.
7. Second monitor (or chairman) is responsible for checking in each contestant, having them open their scores in the order in which they wish to perform, bringing music to the judges (or inside monitor who will give the music to the judges), and verifying that the selections match the printed program. If there is a discrepancy contact the chairman.You are responsible for keeping the competition on schedule. If a round is running ahead of schedule, it is up to the contestant whether or not to perform ahead of his or her scheduled time.