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Achievement Award: Voice

Competition Goal:  To give students experience in performing classical repertoire and to receive constructive criticism from experienced voice teachers.  We warmly welcome students in grades 8 and above who would gain vocal growth from this audition/performance experience.

Application Requirements

  1. Please register at new.mtfest.com
  2. Pay fee online through new.mtfest.com.  Non-NVMTA members have to pay the $50 fee (per student per event) plus registration fee. Click on Billing, then click on the $ next to the event.  Pay with Visa or Mastercard.  After payment is made, you may print a copy of the invoice for your records.  All fees are non-refundable.

Levels and Time Limits

LevelGradeTime Limit
Level 1Ages 13-156 Minutes
Level 2Ages 16-186 Minutes
Level 3Adults8 Minutes

Comment Only:  No age limit, 6 minutes.

Levels may be adjusted if warranted by the number and age of applicants.

Repertoire Requirements

Levels 1, and 2: Two selections in different languages, one of which is English. 

Level 3:  Three selections representing (1) Baroque/Classical, (2) Romantic, and (3) 20th or 21st Century. Selections must include at least two languages, one of which is English. At least one selection must be an art song

Comments Only:  Two or three contrasting selections of varying styles, including one in a foreign language. 

Music must be performed from memory, except for oratorio selections. In Level 3, music must be performed in the original language; in the case of opera and oratorio, in the original key.

For questions about repertoire, please contact the Chair or Co-Chair.


Previous first-place winners may not compete again in the same level.  Singers under professional management are not eligible. Students must be taught lessons in person in Northern Virginia.

Teacher Guidelines

Singers must bring their own accompanists. Teachers and coaches may not accompany their students.

Written comments from the judges will be given to the teachers of the contestants at the end of the competitions.  The judges may elect not to name a winner.  The decision of the judges will be final.

Participating teachers are expected to assist the chair as needed based on the number of students enrolled, regardless of subsequent student withdrawals.  Teachers must agree to abide by the Rules for Competitive Events as well as the Teacher Responsibilities.  Any teacher who fails to carry out the assigned duties and who has not provided a substitute approved by the chairman may not enter students in that event in the following year.


Level 1$200$100$50
Level 2$200$100$50
Level 3$200$100$50