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Application Requirements

  1. Please register at new.mtfest.com. Application deadline is April 24, 2025.
  2. Pay fee online through new.mtfest.com Click on Billing, then click on the $ next to the event.  Pay with Visa or Mastercard.  After payment is made, you may print a copy of the invoice for your records.  You do not need to mail anything to the Chair.  No late applications will be accepted.  All fees are non-refundable.
  3. Teachers will receive information after the registration deadline.
  4. Non-NVMTA members have to pay the $50 fee (per student per event) plus registration fee.

Levels and Times

The competition has two divisions: Violin and Lower Strings (Viola, Violoncello, String Bass, Guitar & Harp)

LevelGradeTime Limit
ElementaryGrades 6 & Under6 Minutes
IntermediateGrades 7-98 Minutes
SeniorGrades 10-1212 Minutes

Repertoire Requirements

Two works of appropriate difficulty representing different periods of music and contrasting in style and/or tempo. Music must be performed from memory.

Here is a list of repertoire used in 2014 which you may download  as a spreadsheet for your reference:  Repertoire for Strings Achievement Awards 2014


Open to violin, viola, violoncello, string bass, guitar, and harp students.  Previous first-place winners may not compete again in the same level, but may compete in a higher level.

Teacher Guidelines

If there are any time restrictions that need to be considered in scheduling, indicate this on the application.

The student must provide an accompanist if needed.

Please provide one published score with all measures numbered, and which must not bear the student’s or teacher’s name.

Participating teachers are expected to assist the chair as needed based on the number of students enrolled, regardless of subsequent student withdrawals.  Teachers must agree to abide by the Rules for Competitive Events as well as the Teacher Responsibilities.

Any teacher who fails to carry out the assigned duties and who has not provided a substitute approved by the chairman may not enter students in that event in the following year. All parent or student questions about an event should be handled by the teacher. Teachers should never give parents or students the phone numbers or e-mail addresses of chairmen. Chairmen have no obligation to respond to parent or student inquiries.

The final decision on scheduling and related aspects of each event rests with the chairman.


The prize awards have been sponsored generously by the Brobst Violin Shop, this is their website, https://brobstviolinshop.com/makers/t-pampolin/?view=grid

In each division (Violin & Lower Strings):


Note: This competition is named in memory of Caurine Colburn Easterling (1904-1989) who was a cellist with the Arlington Symphony, a devoted teacher and cherished friend, and founding chairman of this competition.

We would like to thank our sponsor Foxes Music Co., whose support has been instrumental in bringing this event to life.