First Place ($150) Kevin Su, student of Marjorie Lee, for “Déambulation”
Second Place ($75) Helena Williams, student of Libby McConnell, for “Sky”
Third Place tie ($25 each) Kyle Gatesman, student of Margarita Gramaticova, for “Searching”
Owen Rollins, student of Andrew Horowitz, for “Nervous”
McLean Symphony Orchestrations 2015
The following 2 pieces were performed at their spring concert on Sunday, March 22, 2015 and chosen by McLean Symphony Maestro Dingwall Fleary and symphony clarinetist, librarian, and stage manager Davyd Breeskin:
“Commisceo Musica” by Nicholas Geier, student of Sarah Mbi
“My Love Walks in Velvet,” originally written by Gwyneth Walker, arrangement for six clarinets and piano by Daniel Schwartz, student of Marilynne Jost
Twelve NVMTA teachers entered a total of 16 students in the competition. Students ranged in age from 7 to 18. Composers were from the studios of: Denise Adkins, Elizabeth Blakeslee, Amy Conley, Sheila Epstein, Elaine Gallo, Margarita Gramaticova, Andrew Horowitz, Marilynne Jost, Marjorie Lee, Sarah Mbi, Libby McConnell, and Olga Roberts. More teachers participated this year than last year, and the number of entries was about the same (18 entries last year). Judges for this year’s Honors Recital were Mrs. Jo Lombard and Dr. Jesse Guessford. Mr. Alan Baylock assisted in selecting this year’s Jo Lombard Award recipients.
Eleven students were selected to perform their original compositions on the annual honors recital, which was held Saturday, March 21, at the Woman’s Club of Arlington. Five students received honorable mentions. The recital was well attended.