If you have met Christy or spent time with her, you know what a delightful person she is.  She is inquisitive and loves to learn. She has interesting insights and creative ways of looking at things. It is a pleasure to introduce her in the August NVMTA spotlight! Christy Tallamy currently serves as a co-chair for the NVMTA Composition Competition and is President-Elect for VMTA.

Growing up

Christy learned to play the piano by ear as a child in her church. Her father was a minister, and she spent many hours supporting his ministry through music. Her mother taught her to understand chords. Traveling evangelists would leave her with bits of insight on improvisation. Church members throughout her youth gave lessons here and there. She spent many, many hours in empty churches piecing together what she learned from others, playing hymns and composing her own songs. She said,  “It was very much like having a friend I could always lean on. Being able to express my feelings well beyond the use of spoken language has been a blessing in my life for many reasons. Henri (my piano) continues to be the place I go to find my balance.”

Personal Interests

During the day, she prefers listening to instrumental music as she is very lyric-conscious. Many musicians can relate to being easily distracted by music with words!  She enjoys soul, southern rock and blues and has  a special place in her heart for Southern Gospel.

When she isn’t practicing or teaching, Christy enjoys gardening and personal writing. She recently finished the draft of her first book which focuses on generational trauma and its long-term reverberations in women. The book, which she began researching in earnest in 2020, has been a labor of love as it is the story of her own maternal lineage. She is hoping to make it publicly available in late 2025. You can follow the journey of her writing on a special Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100072445056467.

Musical Experiences

Speaking of practicing, Christy is currently working on a  beautiful Valse by Louise Farrenc. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bwfQJeq6l4) She enjoys digging into music by underrepresented composers. One of her favorite pieces in recent years was the piece she prepared for her MTNA certification–Deep River Op. 59 No. 10 by Samuel Coleridge-Tayl0r. She studied the piece during the time of her aunt’s passing and found herself personally connected to the soulful mourning so beautifully expressed in the work. 

Christy’s first instrument was voice–she began performing as a vocalist from a very early age and considers vocal work her most natural musical space. A very memorable musical moment for Christy took place in a balcony of one of the oldest cathedrals in Ireland (https://www.ennisparish.com/church/st-peter-and-paul-cathedral/). She was able to sing Dona Nobis and has never forgotten the feeling of adding her voice to the thousands that had gone before. Initially, her piano study was meant only to support her vocal work, but in her mid-thirties it shifted to her primary study. She says, “As a pianist, I am proud every time I perform– because I have near crippling performance anxiety in this area. I play every year at the student recital as a way of modeling performance courage for my students.”

Christy enjoys composing music and is passionate about this subject in her teaching. In her words, “When the sun sets (so to speak), I want to leave music–my own and the music that comes through my students. One of her projects is to help her students create musical compositions which she prints into music books (https://lems-store.square.site/).  It’s a delightful and memorable keepsake for the students and can be shared with others.


When asked what she has learned from being a member of NVMTA, Christy says, “Everything. Literally. The associations have been my training ground for running a studio and growing my teaching.”

Her advice to new members is to listen and don’t volunteer just for the sake of volunteering. “I’m a big believer in following your passions and if you listen long enough to what’s going on in the association, you’ll come across what you are truly passionate about– THAT’S the thing you volunteer for because that becomes where you will contribute your best self.” Her work as co-chair NVMTA Composition Competition (https://nvmta.org/event/composition-competition/) attests to her beliefs in following your passions. She has also served as the State Membership chair and volunteers with the Loudoun Festival club..

Though Christy spent considerable time in the music department during college, her degree is in Marketing and Communication. My educational path led me in many unique directions and has provided me with the skill sets I need to run a successful business. These experiences– good and bad– have shaped the way I teach and the way that I support my students. My path to now has been messy at times– and I often refer to my music training as a Gypsy Learning– but I’m content with what I’ve built.


Prior to achieving my NCTM certification, I was much more insecure about my teaching. Music education was not my original path and I felt unsure of nearly every aspect of how I was developing my studio. The certification process helped me to focus on what truly mattered to me– what my philosophies are about children and teaching and even running a business. When I received that certificate, it was a validation I truly needed to move forward.


Please visit Christy’s website to see her personal bio and philosophy statement: www.amusicroom.com